6 сарын 08, 2016         41

Representatives from the organization for security and cooperation in europe visited IAAC




The Deputy Director of IAAC, Commissioner in charge Ts.Nyamdorj met with


Andrei Muntean, Head of Economic activities and Roel Janssens, Economic advisor of OSCE Economic and Environmental activities office.

The OSCE representatives discussed about the mandate, legal environment of Mongolia with department and division officials of IAAC. The key task of the scoping mission was to discuss the area of activities of IAAC, its legal tools, the Mongolian anti-corruption strategy, procurement, political party finance, engagement of civil societies, private sector, media as well as identifying challenges and defining possible areas of cooperation.

OSCE representatives also met with officials from the General prosecution office, General police agency, Transparency International Mongolia, Mongolian Business council, Public council of IAAC and the World bank.

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