3 сарын 17, 2020         30

Оrganized corruption prevention training for “Shunkhlai” LLC employees

A revised Criminal Code, entered into force in 2017, legalizes legal entities' criminal liability, and their executives as subjects of corruption crimes. In addition, the new provision on abuse of power no longer requires the existence of damages among the constitutive elements of the offence.

There is a growing interest in private sector organizations to participate in anti-corruption training in order to prevent any risks to business operations and reputations caused by corruption and conflicts of interest, and to avoid the dangers of corruption. For example, in response to a request from Shunkhlai LLC to participate in anti-corruption training, IAAC organized the second training course for senior officials and branch executives of the company.

On March 12, 2021, more than 80 gas station operators were trained on anti-corruption legislation, business ethics, and the prevention of conflicts of interest, corruption offenses by the private sector.

 The role of the private sector is important in the fight against corruption, and the IAAC supports the initiatives of the private sector, focusing on reducing the risk of corruption, ensuring fair competition, and improving business ethics.

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