Anti-Corruption Annual Report 2020 MONGOLIA
Adoption of a new, democratic Constitution in 1992and the transition
to a market-based, privately ownedsocio-economic system have brought many benefits toMongolia, but at the same time, one of the many emergedproblems was corruption, which appeared in almost everysector of society.Recognizing that corruption is a major obstacle to thecountry’s socio-economic development, the MongolianParliament adopted the first Anti-Corruption Law in 1996and the first National Anti-Corruption Strategy in 2002. In2005, Mongolia also ratified the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and expressed its commitment tofighting corruption around the world.Anti-Corruption Law was revised by the Parliament in July2006, and the Independent Authority Against Corruption, the first special anti-corruption bodyin Mongolia, was established on 11 January 2007. The Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia has the legal responsibilities to educate the public against corruption, preventing corruption, conducting investigations, and inspecting the Declarations of income and assetsof officials specified in the law.The establishment of the IAAC has improved the domestic legal environment, cooperationbetween governmental and non-governmental organizations in the fight against corruption,and conflicts of interest, as well as the development of international and domestic cooperation,have made significant progress in preventing and investigating corruption, and raising publicawareness. In particular, the IAAC cooperates with the United Nations Office on Drugs andCrime, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the World Bank’s Stolen AssetRecovery Initiative, Financial Action Task Force, Interpol, and the International Anti-Corruption Academy. In addition, the 21st Steering Group Meeting, and 13th Regional Seminar of theAnti-Corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific, and the 6th Annual General Meeting of the AssetRecovery Interagency Network – Asia Pacific (ARIN-AP) were held in Mongolia, as part ofthese measures, laid the foundation for the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Law EnforcementPractitioners Network.
The purpose of this report is to provide information to foreign researchers, organizations, andinternational organizations on the corruption situation of Mongolia in 2020, as well as the anti-corruption measures conducted by the IAAC and other government agencies in the same year.This is because, on the one hand, foreign countries, international organizations, and researchersdo not have access to information and reports on Mongolia’s anti-corruption initiatives andefforts, and, on the other hand, the lack of information, may also negatively affect foreigncountries and international organization’s perceptions, evaluations, research results, and credibility regarding corruption in Mongolia.Mongolia strives to expand and improve its anti-corruption efforts year by year through scientific research, evaluation, domestic and international relations, as well as cooperation.I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support, understanding, andacceptance of all our efforts, initiatives, and requests.
Commissioner GeneralIndependent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia