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The Government led by the 32nd Prime Minister of Mongolia, L.Oyun-Erdene, who announced 100 days ago from the rostrum of parliament that he would establish justice and e-government, reported to the public on its progress. During the meeting, journalists asked the Prime Minister about the discipline and obligations of certain government officials and ministers. As for the Prime Minister's response, he said: “Any problem that has not been settled by the court bears no direct responsibility. If an issue arises, the appropriate law enforcement authority will investigate and determine the facts. If a government minister is found guilty of misconduct due to corruption, he or she will be fired immediately. It's never going to be right.”

It is planned to strengthen the information security system, which will increase productivity and efficiency by incorporating information and communication technology developments and innovations into public services, while also safeguarding national interests and ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of government, citizens, and private sector data. In this regard, the Prime Minister made the following statement: “We would use electronic signatures if four sets of laws on e-development are adopted. If a ministry does not conduct the necessary procedure for the digital transition, it will be assumed that the said ministry is not supporting the Prime Minister's anti-corruption efforts. The government will fight against officials who have taken bribes as well as the underlying causes of corruption. Also, the government will solve false declaration of assets and income of public officials by receiving the declaration digitally.”

The Prime Minister announced that Ulaanbaatar city and 21 province centers will be connected to a high-tech camera system with a smart platform. Last year, 60 percent of the 117 legal entities, including both state-owned and state-owned-and-operated entities, were losing money, and their profitability has been gradually decreasing. Therefore, the operation and structures of state-owned companies will be reformed, thus increasing profits, income, and returns and increasing accessibility and transparency to the public. The government will also establish a mineral exchange marketplace, introduce uniform standards for mineral products, create trade conditions that meet international standards, and set prices transparently and openly. It is expected to increase tax coverage, improve registration and monitoring transfer pricing, and broaden the tax base by completely digitalizing tax registration using technological advancements in compliance with the tax law package, establishing a single database, and implementing user-friendly applications for citizens.

There is a chance for success in the battle against corruption if the Prime Minister will act decisively in his position. Furthermore, the implementation of these proposed activities would provide citizens, civil society organizations, and the media with an opportunity to monitor government activities. Also, the opportunity to monitor the activities of state-owned companies would encourage them to be financially transparent, accessible, and effective, thus reducing the bribery and corruption network. As a result, corporate tax avoidance will be minimized, and state budget revenue will rise.